This year, the rain didn't stop us from going back to the place where the banquet tradition began, the Beer Garden. It was a stormy night in Astoria but once the showers passed, the pitchers started flowing and a fun time was had by all. Awards were passed out and infamous moments from the 2007 season were reinacted. By the end of the night, the conversations had moved from "why guys are jerks" to "why girls are naive" to physiologcial discussion that aren't fit to print here. Receiving special gifts were myself, a sharp new custom made Blues cap that will leave other office teams drooling, and Matt "Gang" Greene with a signed team ball and an amazing hand-crafted-wood-burned-plaque with the Blues logo. Click the photo above for the rest of the pics if you don't believe me. Farewell Mr. Greene, keep a couch open in Wisconsin for us. Everyone else, have a great offseason and get ready for the playoffs in 2008!