Andy in left field, Brian in left center, and Iain in right center, valiantly held most of the Bees to singles and doubles, and in a particularly impressive team effort, the Blues handed their formidable opponents two scoreless innings. Unfortunately the field was unforgiving and their lineup was too deep to stymie completely. Joe C managed a couple of miraculous scoops nonetheless, and Robert on the mound (wearing eye black, or "mancara" I might add) wasn't about to let anyone take a base without collecting a strike or two along the way. Having tested themselves against an infield that apparently included Usain Bolt at shortstop, the Blues will look to score their first runs this week in Central Park.
Our first choice bar, Ship of Fools, was lousy with Yankee fans, but Brady's across the street had affordable pitchers and Big Buck Hunter. Needless to say, happiness prevailed on what could have otherwise been a somewhat disappointing opener. The dedicated few who lingered past midnight should be sufficiently prepared for whatever Thursday night has in store. Those who turned in early had better hope Ozzi brings the Big League Chew next time.