Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oxford Blues Continue Winning Ways

Game 8: Oxford Blues 11, The Greene Machine 7
Thomas Jefferson #2
August 9, 2013

The Blues (5-3) are poised to make the playoffs after winning again on Friday, defeating The Greene Machine by the score of 11-7.  Going into the top of the 7th with the Blues leading by 11-2, Coach Repino, who has continued to pitch despite a mysterious shin injury, said:  "This will be the final inning unless there is a catastrophe."

The catastrophe nearly presented itself as the Blues defense faltered, allowing five runs to score, but the game was finally ended when a jumpy member of the Greene Machine was called out for taking an early lead.

"Well a win is a win," Taylor said.  "Rob, did you bribe the ump?"

"No," Coach Repino said.

"Because if you did--" Blues Legal Council Blake Ratcliff said.

"It wasn't over $75."

After the game, the Blues went to a bar for Skeeball and Big Buck Hunter. Thanks to Blues fans Adrienne, Natalie, Jessie, and Ashley for watching the game.

N.B. The scorecard is profoundly inaccurate, so I will not reproduce any stats here.

Max LF
Blake RC/EH
Dave SS
Taylor LC
Jeremy EH/RF
Zach 3B
Josh RF/EH
Jessica "Don't Call me Jess" C 2B -- VINE
Sara 1B
Jenny C
Rob P

Photo by Tim A.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Oxford Blues Defeat the Pediatricians

Game 7: Oxford Blues 11, Global Pediatrics 6
Great Lawn #2
August 7, 2013

On Wednesday night the Oxford Blues improved to 4-3, defeating the Global Pediatrics team by the score of 11-6. The Pediatricians were aggressive on the base-path but their speed was thwarted by consistent hitting from the Blues, who quickly shook off the rust after not taking the field in two weeks.

Starting at third was Joe Cognard, who played solid defense, and also supplied three hits including a triple. But the one time he did not get a hit, in the second, he struck out looking with a full count, two outs and the bases loaded.

"I hit three home runs in the last game," Joe said. "I don't swing unless I feel like it."

Tensions ran high in the third or fourth when the Blues asked the ump to watch the Pediatricians on the base path.

"What are you running from, #2?" Sara asked. "And why do you wear spikes? Did something happen in your past that we should talk about?"

"She's a Freudian," Max said.  After the game, Jenny, Max, Zach, and I went to Jake's Dilemma, where Zach dominated on the foosball table and took pictures of young women. (With their phone - and at their behest.)

Max (LF) 2/3 1R, 2 RBI's
Zach (SS) 0/3, 1R
Joe (3B) 3/4, 2R, 1 RBI
Tim (LC) 3/4, 2R, 1 RBI
Jeremy (RC) 3/4, 1 R, 1 RBI
Sara (2B) 0/2, 2BB
Erin (1B) 2/3, 2R
Elyse (RF) 0/3
Jenny ( C) 0/2, 1BB, 1R
Rob ( P) 2/3, 1R

Photo by Max S.