Sunday, August 11, 2013

Oxford Blues Continue Winning Ways

Game 8: Oxford Blues 11, The Greene Machine 7
Thomas Jefferson #2
August 9, 2013

The Blues (5-3) are poised to make the playoffs after winning again on Friday, defeating The Greene Machine by the score of 11-7.  Going into the top of the 7th with the Blues leading by 11-2, Coach Repino, who has continued to pitch despite a mysterious shin injury, said:  "This will be the final inning unless there is a catastrophe."

The catastrophe nearly presented itself as the Blues defense faltered, allowing five runs to score, but the game was finally ended when a jumpy member of the Greene Machine was called out for taking an early lead.

"Well a win is a win," Taylor said.  "Rob, did you bribe the ump?"

"No," Coach Repino said.

"Because if you did--" Blues Legal Council Blake Ratcliff said.

"It wasn't over $75."

After the game, the Blues went to a bar for Skeeball and Big Buck Hunter. Thanks to Blues fans Adrienne, Natalie, Jessie, and Ashley for watching the game.

N.B. The scorecard is profoundly inaccurate, so I will not reproduce any stats here.

Max LF
Blake RC/EH
Dave SS
Taylor LC
Jeremy EH/RF
Zach 3B
Josh RF/EH
Jessica "Don't Call me Jess" C 2B -- VINE
Sara 1B
Jenny C
Rob P

Photo by Tim A.

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