Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oxford Blues Lose to Net@Work 17-9

Game 5: Net@Work 17, Oxford Blues 9
Riverside Park
July 15, 2013

In Dave D'Addona's managerial debut, Oxford Blues (3-2) lost to Net@Work by the score of 17-9. Miles Osgood was making his final start as a member of the Oxford Blues, as he decided his future lay elsewhere, not with company softball, but rather, graduate studies in English literature at Harvard University.   The Blues were quite sluggish for the opening innings until they came to life in the fourth.  Before that inning began, Elyse Turr's phone rang.

"Hello this is Elyse Turr."

"Elyse it's Rob," Coach Repino said. "Put Gandalf on the phone."

"He's not here."

"Alright let me talk to Dave."

No one knows what Rob said to Dave on the phone that night, but the Blues turned it around as Chris, Tim, Taylor, Blake, Sara, Jenny, Josh, and Dave provided hits and scored runs. Essentially everyone except your humble correspondent.  And just before the Blues were going to be dispatched by the mercy rule, Miles provided a timely hit to keep the run differential less than 10.

"That was a great hit Miles!" Sara said. "You sure about this grad school thing? I have been there! I have a PhD!"

"They already sent me a Harvard T-Shirt," Miles said. "There is no going back."


Miles LF/EH 2/2 1 R scored
Chris RF 1/3 1 R scored
Taylor LC 1/2 2 RBI's 1 R scored --- Video
Max 2B 1/3 1 R scored (Web Gem Double Play)
Zach 3B 0/3
Dave SS 3/3 1 HR 2 RBI's 1 R scored ---  Video
Tim EH/1B 2/3
Blake EH/LF 1/3
Elyse C 1/3
Jeremy EH/RC 0/3
Josh RC/EH 1/3 1 R scored
Sara P 1/1 2 R scored
Erin / Jenny 1B 2/2 1 R scored

Photo by Josh L.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Oxford Blues Defeat Norton 14-9

Game 4: Oxford Blues 14, W.W. Norton Slammin Seagulls 9
July 11, 2013

The Oxford Blues improved to 3-1 with a 14-9 victory over W.W. Norton’s Slamming Seagulls last week. Taylor Pilkington’s sixth inning grand slam secured the victory.

“Where’s Max Richman?” Coach Repino asked. “Getting his driver’s license?”

“He’s starting at third for the Oxford Dons tonight, Rob,” Taylor said.

“F-ing A,” Coach Repino said. “If Hettler swipes Richman, I'm naming the 500 pound man in my novel Kurt.” 

Max Sinsheimer belted a three run home run in the fourth inning.

“Looking good, Gandalf,” Rob said. “Glad to see there’s a batting cage in Middle Earth.” 

Alexis Richard and Jessica Chesnutt played the outfield for the short staffed Blues, who were victorious despite missing the Summer Mixer and Elyse's birthday.


Rob 1/2 2 BB, 2 runs scored
Jessica 2/3, 3 runs scored
Zach 3/4, 2 runs scored
Taylor 3/3, 1 HR (GS), 4 RBI's, 3 runs scored
Max 2/2, 1 HR, 3 RBI's, 2 runs scored
Miles 1/2, 1 run scored
Alexis 1/2
Erin 1/2
Sarah 0/3
Jenny 0/2
Photo by Miles O.
Photo by Miles O.

"I would like us, as a nation, to get over cats" -Taylor P.