Friday, May 6, 2011

Debevoise & Plimpton: 15, Blues: 14

After last year's shellacking in Morningside Park, D&P were hungry for a rematch against the Blues. They clearly wanted a win. But the Blues made them work for it. With several Blues players absent and some showing up late/leaving early, it wasn't the easiest game to manage. Players were asked to go outside their comfort zone in the field. Alina held it down at 1st base while Hurley moved back to his old stomping grounds in left field. And Jessica Chesnutt earned her rookie stripes behind the plate.

D&P got off to an early lead which had the Blues trailing 9-2 early in the game. But unlike your mom, the Blues do not go down easy. Battling back with smart hitting and hustle on the basepaths, a pair of 2-out rallies gave the Blues an 11-10 lead in the 5th.

D&P battled back with a few runs in the late innings, leaving the Blues with a 3-run deficit in the last inning. The Blues were able to make it interesting in the bottom of the 7th and brought the score to 15-14 with 2 outs and the tying run on base. There was no one the Blues would rather have at the plate than Joe "The Gator" Cognard, but alas, this one was not meant to be. But we all agreed that on the upside, we shot Osama right in his fucking eye.

After the game, there was a lot of talk about moral victory. And if such a thing exists (it doesn't), the Blues definitely earned it. Knowing they'd have to work extra hard to fill in for missing teammates, the Blues were all heart, making the smart plays and hustling for every single out.

Afterwards, the Blues headed over to the Bull Moose for some Cinco de Mayo/We Killed Osama celebrating. Seems like it was just a few days ago we were there showing this guy a good time in New York. (Seriously, who comes to NY for a weekend and spends it in a dive bar?)

1 comment:

Oxford Commas said...

Did you notice how the photo caught me in mid-teleport?